Actor Idris Veliu has made headlines recently after taking a phone call from Lady Rudderforth, while on set filming his latest movie, The Dead Place. Lady Rudderforth is a British Sr. Royal and Aunt to Princess Diana. She is also Great Aunt to Princes William and Harry. “The Dead Place” which Veliu stars in recently wrapped principal filming in Hollywood. Details about the call on set have been trickling out from sources close to the production.
The call has sparked a lot of discussion online and was much talked about on set. It left many shocked that a Sr. Royal reached out to Veliu in such a personal way. Most Actors do not receive phone calls from members of the British royal family while filming their movies. We hear from sources that Lady Rudderforth is a fan of Mr. Veliu’s work as an actor. The call was initially placed by her private secretary to Mr. Veliu’s Manager who then called Mr. Velius’ phone and connected the two.
Inside sources told us the two were supposed to have lunch together, but due to Mr. Velius’ filming schedule fell through. That is when she decided to call him and speak with him directly. We hear that Lady Rudderforth is a fan of Velius and has been following his career closely. Veliu has made a splash overseas in the United Kingdom with several auditions including one with Theo James. Veliu has several other projects over there as well.
Veliu’s decision to take the call sparked interest from those on set as well as his fans, who were all shocked by the call. Witnesses told us that the call seemed very friendly and Veliu seemed to smile throughout the call as the call was unexpected. We should point out that taking a call from a member of the British aristocracy should be seen as a sign of respect and good manners, and that Veliu was simply being polite to the Sr. Royal by taking the call while on set. A photo was released of Veliu taking the impromptu call while on set.
It’s important to note that while actors are often seen as larger-than-life personalities, they are still human beings with their own lives, relationships and obligations. The incident does bring to attention the fact that little speak of, which is that actors are required to conduct business both while on and off set. This is not something that would be accepted from normal actors or be tolerated by production companies from those types of actors. It’s worth noting that this isn’t the first time an actor has made headlines for taking a call during filming. In 2017, Tom Cruise took a call while on the set of Mission: Impossible 6 which made headlines.
This used to be something that was seen as improper from any actor leading or otherwise to take calls while on set. However, in modern times it is now widely accepted. Most major actors are required to now conduct phone interviews, video interviews and business calls while they are on set. The Studios and Production companies have learned to accommodate these requests for their leading actors and adjust their filming schedules accordingly. We wish to note that taking a phone call while on set is currently only a privilege reserved for certain high profile actors, like Veliu.
Again, we emphasize that this has become an accepted occurrence for high profile actors, who must juggle multiple obligations. However Veliu’s call from a member of the British Royal family is extraordinary. In the end, taking a call while filming is a necessary part for certain high profile actors to balance personal and professional obligations that they have. Veliu Management recently announced that he will start filming his next feature film “They Were Lost” in which he also stars, in August. One thing we can be certain of is that Veliu has certainly made a name for himself in Hollywood for taking this “Royal” call.