Regarding being focused on life goals, Gabriella Melrose is a great example. A young woman is a talented entrepreneur and artist who also coaches people worldwide on self-development. She has thousands of people following her on social media, sharing her ideas and views on all kinds of topics: relationships, business development, spirituality and many more.
Why did you decide to become a life coach?
I love helping people, and becoming a life coach was my dream. I have read self-development books since I was a teenager and study human psychology in my spare time, so I have enough knowledge to help the ones in need.
Did you recently release a book?
Yes, I have written a motivational book for females. It is called “How To Become A Strong Woman” and will be released in English next month. What are the topics you cover in the book? I talk about self-love, ways to overcome fears and step out of your comfort zone, the power of the mind, looking after your body, enjoying the present moment and many other topics.
What is the most important thing when making life changes?
It all starts with self-love. When a person learns how to love himself, he wants to set goals and go after them. He won’t waste energy on pointless things as he will understand the importance of his time and won’t please people who are not respecting him. Self-love helps to fight fears and get out of the comfort zone. Also, it allows people to be happy in their daily life.
How to begin to love yourself?
First, by understanding that you have one life, you come and walk out of this world alone. No one is more important in your life than yourself, so you must learn to be kind to yourself. Also, you have to change your mindset. By telling yourself negative words, you attract negative energy. That is the law of attraction. You must learn to say to yourself daily that you are lovely and love yourself as you are; eventually, you will start feeling it. Then, the positive situations will start accruing in your life as the energy you radiate will change.
Have you always been so focused and motivated?
No, I haven’t. For many years I have suffered from over-responsibility toward others, leading me to toxic relationships. I was attracting a lot of narcissists and energy vampires as I gave them all my energy. I focused on goals, but my journey was always disturbed because of my strong feelings for others. When I learned how to love myself, my whole world changed for the better.
How to find true happiness in life?
True happiness is living in the present moment. People tend to live in their past or future, so they don’t give themselves a chance to be happy in the present moment. Think about it. All we have is here and now. By understanding it, a person learns how to enjoy small things in life and reach his dreams at the exact moment. When you want your life every day, the situation in your life can’t change how you feel, and you will always be happy.
What is your best advice to young readers?
Start changing your inner world to see changes in the outside world. When you start working on your inner world and understand your feelings and needs, you will start changing your life for the better. You will discover what you like, what makes you happy or stressed and will be able to change your daily life. A great way is to start writing a diary to understand your feelings and having a journal to set goals. Also, practise self-love. You can do that by meditation or affirmations.
What is your main goal for the future?
My main goal is to translate my book into the English language and start public speaking. I want to give positive energy to the world, and I believe there is so much confusion in the daily life of people. I feel like the Universe has blessed me with many gifts and success, so I want to give my energy and positive attitude to the world and change people’s lives.
You can follow Gabriella Melrose’s journey on his Instagram page @gabriellamelrose.