Running any kind of club can be a lesson in patience, but swimming clubs tend to take on additional layers of complexity in part because you won’t own your own pool and, therefore, must book it in advance on dates conducive to all of your members. Fortunately, there are numerous tips you can use to ensure that the entire process runs smoothly and that all members are satisfied. This article will take a look at a few tips and tricks you can use to get your swimming club running swimmingly (sorry, but had to!).
Make Good Use Of Technology
The days of handing out flyers with little tabs with phone numbers people rip off to use if they are interested are well and truly over. We now live in a world occupied with the internet, social media, and, of course, the next big thing: AI! Consequently, you will ignore technology at your peril. By opting to use things like online swimming club management software (the emphasis being on the “online” part of that sentence) and linking it with your online channels, you will dramatically take the stress out of planning and operating your club. It ensures a high level of efficiency while freeing up your time to focus on the more critical aspects of running the club, such as planning the meets, separating and categorizing the different groups (adults, children, learners, etc), and more. When you become au fait with using the right tech for the job, you will see a massive uptick in efficiency.
Maximize Pool Space With Efficient Scheduling
Swimming clubs rely on access to pool space to run practices, lessons, and competitions. But with demand for pool time at a premium (especially when you take into account the most common times people want to use the pool), clubs must optimize how they schedule activities to make the most of available lanes. While management software is vital for this task, you also need to have a decent understanding of time management to achieve the best results. By minimizing transition times between sessions and offering concurrent activities like lessons and lap swimming, more swimmers can be accommodated daily. For cash-strapped clubs, squeezing additional pool time out of each day can mean the difference between an operating profit or loss.

Effective Communication With Members
Keeping members informed and engaged is crucial to remain active in their lives and stop them from moving to another club that takes this point more seriously. Regularly updating members on practice and event schedules, pool closures, and rule changes ensures everyone is on the same page. Communication should be consistent across multiple channels to reach all members, from email newsletters to signs at the pool. You must also make prolific use of social media so that members can communicate in real-time and see what is happening at a glance.
Offer Diverse Programs For All Ages
A more diverse suite of programs can engage both kids and adults along every step of their swimming journeys. In addition to fundamentals classes for youngsters, clubs should consider competitive teams, master’s groups, and private lessons for all skill levels. Adults seek social and wellness activities like water aerobics classes, open swims, and triathlon training. Expanding programming across age segments draws in more demographics as families grow.
Operating a swimming club is a full-time job that gets busier as you attract more members. However, by leveraging technology for scheduling and communication, you may significantly reduce the amount of effort required while ensuring your members’ satisfaction.