Hasan Benar, a Dermatologist and an Aesthetics Doctor, who has a clinic at Harley street in London, added a new award to his success. Dr. Benar was awarded the ‘best aesthetic doctor of the year award in the UK.
Dr Hasan Benar offers many signature aesthetic treatments in his clinic on Harley Street, London’s most famous medical street for many years. He has patients including world-famous stars, singers, models, footballers and more.
The London Post newspaper chose the bests of the year by voting among its readers. Dr. Hasan Benar was also named “Britain’s best aesthetic doctor” in the voting. Dr. Hasan Benar received his award at his clinic.
Adding another award to his successful career, Dr. Hasan Benar said, “I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who voted for me. Winning an award is a great source of motivation.”