Tote bags are versatile and the go-to bag for anyone looking for a bag for multiple scenarios. The bag can be used for shopping, carrying work items, or as a picnic bag. The designs are also very fluid, and a good tote bag will go with any look, whether it’s formal or casual.
You can also use tote bags for marketing your brand or business. This idea of marketing is known as promotional marketing, where you use branded products to push your company. This guide will show you what to consider when buying wholesale tote bags from RocketBags for your business.
Review the Material Type
If you are using the bags as promotional items, they must be of very high quality. Canvas tote bags are standard because they are durable and perfect for carrying heavy stuff. Canvas is easy to clean and it will take time before wear and tear kicks in. Canvas bags are also perfect for outdoor events.
Another great option on the market is cotton tote bags. If you are looking for something lightweight and durable, then cotton tote bags are the perfect fit. Also worth noting is that cotton is machine-washable, which makes maintenance simple.
Tote bags are also a cheaper but good option if you cannot afford canvas or cotton bags. Jute bags are made from fiber extracted from plants. It’s perfect for those looking for an elegant and natural look. It is also nice if your brand is pushing eco-friendly products.
Create a Design
People will identify your brand through its colors and logo. You don’t have to create unique designs for your tote bags. However, make sure the bags feature your brand’s logo and color. A UX expert can advise you on the right font to use on your tote bags for better visibility.
You can also hire a professional designer to create a tote bag that will stand out from the market. Some wholesale tote bag manufacturers have a team of in-house designers who can help you custom-design your tote bags.
You can implement designs or colors influenced by what is trending. But don’t order a big batch because trends fade and you want to avoid being left with bags with outdated designs.
Review the Contract
Please read the contract in detail before signing it. Most wholesale tote bag manufacturers have the flexibility to ensure that they protect their clients. Look at the delivery time. You want to avoid getting the bags a few days after the festival or fair you were targeting is over.
The other thing you need to look at is the payment terms. Do they look flexible or favorable to your business? Good manufacturers will allow you to pay a deposit and finish the rest of the payment after you receive the tote bags.
Wrapping Up
If you are looking for an excellent promotional item, try using tote bags. They are cheaper than using mainstream media to market your brand. Tote bags are versatile, meaning that they will work with everyone both young and old. Order bags of different sizes to ensure that all your clients are satisfied.