In the age of information saturation and where everyone is a self-proclaimed thought leader, one entrepreneur is setting herself apart from the rest, and that’s Maga Kambala. Not only was she former Miss Africa Crown International, but she’s also an executive coach who has been featured in digital publications globally for her approach to resilience training and executive training/
In today’s interview, Maga Kambala has agreed to share her top five organizational tips for entrepreneurs and executives with a focus on performance.
“I want to help people get more done, and I want to help them do it faster,” says Maga Kambala.
Here are Maga Kamala’s top five tips for entrepreneurs and executives who want to improve their performance as quickly as possible.
Make Challenging Tasks Exciting
Referencing a study on willpower in a previous media feature, Maga Kambala discussed willpower as the ability to delay gratification. While conventional literature suggests abstaining from dopaminergic tasks for the sake of building willpower, Kambala suggests an alternative approach.
“Make the challenging tasks exciting.”
That means breaking challenging tasks down into chunks and approaching your favorite aspects of them. Kambala says with this approach, it’s acceptable to go to the gym to do the exercises you love.
“If you don’t come out having done everything, that’s ok. At least you got to the gym, and you left feeling that it was a positive experience.”
With this approach, you’ll find that you are more likely to stick to your original plan, and you can begin increasing your ability to delay gratification.
“Instead of applying an all-or-nothing approach, it’s best to build willpower in this way over time, and that’s called resilience.”
Start a Passion Project
Maga Kambala encourages everyone to start a passion project. Aside from her own professional career, she was able to get crowned as Miss Africa Crown International. Not only did this boost her confidence and raise her credibility, but it gave herself something to look forward to.
“It was a goal that I was determined to achieve and it helped me get out of my comfort zone, jump out of bed everyday and became my north star,” says Kambala.
Reward Yourself
Maga Kambala says that once productive tasks become more satisfying by creating better relationships with them, such as the gym example she shared, they can then be used as rewards.
“So many times people think of rewards as a cheat meal or having a glass of wine at the end of the day, and while that’s totally fine, you can also make productive tasks rewarding.”
Once you create better relationships with the tasks that bring you the most results, you’ll find that you’re excited to take actions that get you close to your goals and that simply executing the will become rewarding.
“It’s like gently nudging your mind and body to do the things that are healthy for you, and the things that truly bring your pleasure. Rather than trying to avoid difficult things and to avoid pain all the time, you’ll start taking the right actions.”
Share Your Message
With the launch of her new official website, Maga Kambala has learned that sharing your message is extremely important. Not only have her insights led to media interviews and new opportunities, but they also built a community that rallies around causes she cares about.
From personal and professional development, public speaking and communications and community contribution, Maga Kambala is thrilled to be creating content she cares about that improves the lives of others.
“Anybody can get started and it doesn’t have to be a website. You can take to social media or even to your community, but the point here is to be authentically you,” says Kambala.
Learn Continuously
Maga Kambala credits herself with being a lifelong learner and constantly pursuing new things. While she makes a deliberate effort to maintain focus on a few key tasks, she’s constantly absorbing knowledge and seeking it actively as it pertains to her work.
“I love to delve into the data, read success stories and actually put them into practice.”
Kambala says the only way to know if something will truly work is to try it yourself, and this generally follows learning about a topic in the most intricate ways and having the confidence to apply it where there’s an opportunity.
If you are an entrepreneur or executive who wants to expand your own personal and professional horizons, the Official Website of Maga Kambala is a great place to start.