As small businesses, freelancers and entrepreneurs, what is the value of cloud computing, and how does it help you start your business. We spoke to Shamayun Miah, the tech industry leader. Shamayun Miah worked for ClickSoftware, Salesforce, and several startups. We asked Miah about his views of the trends and how small businesses and freelancers can utilise the cloud.
One of the more recent trends in technology is empowering the individual, creating autonomy outside of the workplace. As technology develops, so has our freedom to be self-starters. A shift has taken place in how we run, work, and live through cloud-based computing, said Shamayun Miah.
But it’s not only the ability to free ourselves from the development cycle of our jobs that it has given us. It can also have a massive impact on how we see the freelance industry. Cloud computing has helped to satisfy the needs of individuals at different levels. According to Shamayun Miah, Amazon, Google, Microsoft have enterprise-grade computing capabilities accessible and affordable by small businesses and freelancers.
Although the gig economy is a substitute for the old Economy, its success is dependent on several more modern technologies and behaviors, including social media, digital platforms, AI and data.
According to reports on the changing nature of the workforce, it was clear that there is a trend where freelancers outnumber traditional employees in the United States, United Kingdom, and European Union.
Over the next ten years, the business value will expand by $1 trillion across all organizations due to cloud adoption. The capacity to swiftly deploy and test new goods, services, and distribution channels is another benefit of cloud computing. However, those digital trials could have a deeper purpose: for example, the capacity to run experiments throughout a supply chain without purchasing actual hardware.
Cloud computing allows you to take advantage of modern technology without any significant upfront cost. It’s also a tremendous tool to grow and scale your business as demand changes, according to Shamayun Miah.
The Power of Large Scale Computing:
Cloud computing brings the power of large-scale computing to individuals and small businesses, providing them with tools to develop cloud-based applications, share data and information from a wide range of workstations and devices. FinTech’s and online retailers are now able to compete with established large organizations.
The advent of the cloud is transforming knowledge work by eliminating the constraints on data storage. It gives access to individuals to enterprise-grade development tools and assets once only available to large organisations.
But the uniqueness of the needs of individual organisations will play a vital role in determining the success of adopting cloud computing. Everybody is looking for another way to make their business more efficient and scalable. As a result, cloud computing is becoming the go-to solution for small business owners and freelancers who want to leverage technology to drive down costs and innovate.
What Should Companies do to Get More Value and Success?
In businesses today, cloud computing is a reality. The investment is well worth it when considering the potential for productivity gains in the business area. The recent market acceptance of cloud computing in the business world is a global trend.
While many small businesses and freelancers still find the process of incorporating cloud technology to be difficult, the primary benefits are beginning to emerge. The B2B cloud market is still expanding at a decent rate, which is why businesses have to prepare for the future.
Shamayun Miah said that as a freelancer, get to know your tool, software, educate yourself. Start working on small projects using modern cloud tooling, data, and AI. Unlike large organizations, small businesses and freelancers embrace things faster when it comes to technology. They are quick to embrace new technology innovations, while others are slow to change.
Education and Experimentation:
Small firms must train their employees on the functions, policies, and advantages of implementing new technologies.
Similarly, it is not only about deploying technology but also integrating it into existing workflows so that they can move their content, their ideas, their innovative workflows, and their mobile workflows to this new system.
Cloud computing is the latest innovation for small businesses. It assists organisations to expand at a faster, more efficient, and cost-effective rate.For startups and entrepreneurs, it offers tremendous opportunities to solve business problems, innovate and rapidly gain new market share through technological advances and lower operating costs.
Taking advantage of social media:
Freelancing sites revolve around social networking, which means they serve as a portal connecting independent workers with employers. There are about 50 million freelancers worldwide, and freelancing is a business approach that demands a change in the way people think about careers.
Co-working spaces and other networking apps have made it easier than ever before for businesses and industry professionals to connect and search for expertise and skillsets. Great design and ease of use have paved the way for networking apps to be at the forefront of modern business. The best of the bunch makes it easy to find the person you need and connect to them for collaboration and networking.
Some of the biggest networking apps on the market are LinkedIn, Facebook, Quora, and Meetup. They’ve made it easier than ever to find the peers you need to explore emerging trends, write articles, and get work done while staying on top of new topics.
There are a lot of trends going on in the dynamic world of business, and cloud computing is one to keep an eye on – especially if you want to grow your small business fast.
Understanding this trend and how it can benefit you or your startup could be a valuable resource for your business. When it comes to the cloud, it’s all about giving you more freedom, innovation and flexibility, closing comments from Miah